AVG Cost Per Call: $6 Using Superwave & $4,000,000+ In Revenue Generated
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"What I I'm just gonna be completely honest.You can launch the next day. What we found is we give it a week to warm up, though, and we get really great results doing that."
"Absolutely been a game changer for us. We're implementing it for pretty much every single one of our clients right now."
"Between not needing to warm it up and also the volume that we're able to do. It has just been an absolute game changer."
"In terms of email deliverability and email sending, a big advantage for Superwave is that we're able to send four new clients, day one."
"Using outbound and reliability and increased performance that Superwave has kind of brought to our cold emailing strategy, we've actually grown the agency up to twenty five thousand dollars a month."
"We've been using Superway for right around five months now. With quite a substantial system and over that period have been able to close multiple seven figures for our partners and us."
"The result was absolutely dramatic. We are seeing higher open rates than we've ever seen before. Eighty percent, sometimes ninety percent. We're always hitting the primary inbox. Volume is no longer a concern.."
"The perfect deliverability with the zero warm up time, was absolute game changer, allowing us to test different angles and verticals a lot faster."
"What they've done at Superwave and what they've created is easily the most reliable, consistent and sophisticated cold email infrastructure that I've ever used or seen in the market."
"it's been it's been a game changer in that we can provide a much higher quality to our clients' tanks, thanks to the deliverability that Superway provides."
"Gotta admit I was a bit skeptical at first. You know, you you hear about these solutions, time and time again, but you never know if it's something that you can actually con can commit to. But, yeah, nothing nothing but good things to say about the boys."
Gsuite/Outlook keep track of bounce rates via their platfrom. Within a 60 minute time window if you generate 3 bounces outlook/gsuite will throttle your delivery to primary inbox. Superwave user dont just handle the sending we use the 99 users we give you as a de-risk factor as the bounce get spread across our users. This will in turn allow you to send at higher volumes without risking your domains reputation.
As listed above depends on your abilty to spintax your emails and several other factors. However our benchmarks suggest you can send day 1 with around 80-85% deliveribility and get bumped up to 90%+ after the second week.
Day 1 - 797 emails (w) 80-85% Deliveribility
Day 8 - 1500 emails (w) 90-85% Deliveribility
Day 15 - 2000 emails (w) 90-85% Deliveribility
Month 2 - 3500 emails (w) 90-85% Deliveribility
Month 3 - 5000 emails (w) 90-85% Deliveribility
You can check out a content piece to verify these claims here: https://youtu.be/AyB3UyaJ_Mg?si=pBZQIe-s-3J2d8m2
We hover around 80-90% year round. However these metrics are hard to track because of end user problems. Could be a bad list, could be that the industry doesnt use email, or burnt industry with low TAM sizes. However if you want a proper comparison.
Eric From Growth Engine X a leading voice in the space for cold email shared a campaing comparison to be able to asses these claim as mostly true.
We use imap to foward, send, reply via outlook. We simply dont want to overwrite legacy systems clients or your clients are already familiar with. You can access these inboxes at any time and use them as if they were a regular outlook inbox with our sending server being active at all times.
Instantly/Smartlead already have a built in master inbox however on a case by case basis you might want to give access to a different tool like (front) to setup automations. We provide you with 3 Master Inboxes (33 users) that act as a regular master inbox for you to be able to manage all 99 inboxes as if they were a traditional 1 domain - 3 inbox setup.
Its simple. If you break something its not on you and if we break something it shouldnt be at your expense. So we will replace your domain slot free of charge. This goes for anything related to sending as well if you somehow run into a sending issues we will just replace your domian. This also include if any changes within your clients you can plug and play your domains free of charge for life.